Schadenfreude is a mental disorder

An FYI. Most people think this word, schadenfreude, doesn't have an "English" equivalent.  It does.  Sort of.  Epicaricacy. In any case, the terms mean deriving pleasure from another person's misfortune. It's a form of sadism. ASIDE: I don't mean the sadism in the sexual kink known as BDSM, aka Bondage Domination Sadism Masochism [SadoMasochism], which … Continue reading Schadenfreude is a mental disorder

There is No Such Thing as an Underage Prostitute

There is No Such Thing As Underage Prostitutes (aka Sex Workers). They're called sex trafficked Victims. You can't be arrested for prostitution as a Minor b/c, hello, you're a minor. Except selling sex in general seems to engender an outrageous Far Right extremist reaction, as if we don't have the right to our own bodies. … Continue reading There is No Such Thing as an Underage Prostitute

You Must Believe the Abused

In part 2 of the examination of the Michael Jackson case (in "Leaving Neverland"), Jim and his co-host Francey make an excellent point about protecting our children from abuse: you have to talk to them about sex, starting from an early age. To treat them as innocents and keep them that way, partly due to … Continue reading You Must Believe the Abused

The Case Against Biden (and other establishment Dems)

Vox: "Joe Biden is the Hillary Clinton of 2020" Nutshell: "...the buckraker who failed to protect a sexual harassment victim (Anita Hill) and spent the aughts (2001 to 2009) boosting the Iraq War and bank deregulation after fueling mass incarceration and anti-gay discrimination in the 1980s and ’90s." Specifically: Nicknamed "The senator from MBNA" (a … Continue reading The Case Against Biden (and other establishment Dems)

“How Will We Pay For That?” Question is Selective BS

How will we pay for any of the progressive programs? Answer: higher taxes. Duh. Medicare-For-All will cost roughly $32 Trillion over ten years (iirc but my memory's unreliable so look it up). WHAT DOES THE ACA COST NOW? No one in mainstream media (anti-progressive/pro-establishment bias) asks that. Here's the answer: $37-41 Trillion, depending on the … Continue reading “How Will We Pay For That?” Question is Selective BS

Your Vote For Trump Cannot Be Forgiven

First, let's talk about Hillary Clinton. Clinton was a disgraceful, horrible, corrupt candidate.  It's obvious to anyone who took a look at her bullshit primary antics in 2015-16.  She ignored the press, ignored the average citizen.  She held private fundraisers with the rich while dissing everyone else.  She didn't want our money, just our vote, … Continue reading Your Vote For Trump Cannot Be Forgiven

“Toxic Masculinity” Definition

"Toxic Masculinity" Definition: This began in an academic study of male violence against women, and it was described as "toxic masculinity". Several Right Wing men decided it was an attack on all men. No. Only men who commit violence against women. If you're a man who objects to this term, then perhaps you're feeling defensive, … Continue reading “Toxic Masculinity” Definition